
Chapter 9: Dear Diary...

[An entry from my personal diary. Thought I'd share in hopes that it may help someone.] 


Things were much simpler when I was younger.
So children of the world, cherish your years of innocence.
Don't grow up too fast because you don't know what you're in for.
Yes, LIFE is a beautiful thing & there are many things to look forward to as you grow up.
You'll experience great things
but you'll also experience heartbreak that comes in many different forms.
You'll experience things you're going to wish you hadn't.
You'll want to change the past but realize that you can't.
This realization might shatter your world completely if you let it.
Pain can be relentless.
Open your mind & your heart to LIFE, but learn when to keep guarded & stand watch.
I have memories I wish I could relive
& memories I wish I could erase.
Unfortunately, we don't get that choice.
We don't have that power.
However, we do have the power to move forward.
To move on.
To let go.
To live.
Let your lemons lead the way to happiness.
LIFE can be hard.
LOVE can hurt.
PEOPLE can be mean.
...but don't let any of that get the best of you.
We only get one life to live, so don't waste it by not living it to the fullest.
When you're down on your luck never forget your blessings,
because hard times are the perfect times to count them.
Always be grateful.
Both the good & bad in life benefit you.
You learn from both.
You grow from everything.

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Thank you for leaving me some love! :)