
Chapter 40: Can I have this dance? [Navy style]

After a wonderful night of dancing, mingling with friends, & making memories in a beautiful crystal chandelier ballroom—who would've guessed that we'd also walk away with an iPod shuffle & travel mug with my husband's ship's emblem on it as a party favor, & that my husband would win his very first raffle? :) Not to mention my mini meltdown trying to fix my hair & being almost an hour late to the party! EEK!

Me: *gasps* Oh no! I can't flush the toilet...
My husband: *looks confused* Why not?
Me: Because a bobby pin just fell in it.
My husband: *laughs* We'll worry about that later when we get home

:P Let me explain everything...

A little over a week ago my husband took me to his Fall Ball/Ship Party, & boy did they do right by their sailors! The party was held in the beautiful ballroom of a hotel downtown. Not only were their party favors pretty awesome, but they also raffled off well over $3,000 worth of items [including a MacBook Pro] & there were MANY chances to win. Even sailors who were stuck on the ship on duty were put into the drawing & received party favors as well. I guess I should be thanking his ship MWR, because my husband ended up giving me his iPod shuffle [it was pink after all] & travel mug :) PERFECT! Since we've started to become coffee drinkers :P Thanks honey!

The moments leading up to the party were hectic! We were late to the party because of a combination of not getting ready in time, my mini hair meltdown, & my husband forgetting his wallet & having to turn around to go back home to get it :P I was getting frustrated as I tried to figure out what to do with my hair. I youtube'd like crazy! I had a moment of anxiety when my hair wasn't doing what I wanted it to do, but luckily I have a husband who knows how to calm me down. My hair didn't turn out exactly the way it was supposed to, but I was still pretty proud of it & I felt a lot better about it when people complimented it. I just kept thinking to myself, "Phew! It doesn't look like a train wreck after all!" I just had to be mindful of the bobby pins that would keep trying to pop out during the course of the night :P At least I saved money by not going to a salon to get it done! The only time I've ever paid to get my hair done was for my wedding! Speaking of wedding... if you look at the picture below, that comb I put in my hair was what I actually wore on my wedding day 

This photo was taken after midnight when we got home
from the party,so it looked much better than this when it was
freshly done! Not so bad, right?

Despite the crazy start we had getting ready for the party, overall we had a lovely night :) I enjoyed getting all dolled up & going out with my husband. Another great memory for the books! I'm sort of stealing my husband's Facebook status post from that night & changing it to say that I was lucky enough to have the most handsome man in the room 

The last time my husband & I were able to attend one of these events together was when we went to the Navy Ball back in 2009 while he was stationed in Monterey, CA. That was such an amazing night too. We exchanged promise rings & enjoyed our weekend together before I had to leave & fly back for my junior year in college. 


October 19, 2009 [excerpt from Facebook]:
"Later that night after we left the Ball, I realized we didn't get to have our slow dance. Robert was playing music on his iPhone & then took my hand to slow dance with me on the sidewalk. He even dipped me for a kiss. I love him. ♥"

While we were in the car driving home, I realized that once again, the DJ this time around didn't play any slow songs either! I turned to my husband & said, "I guess no one likes to slow dance at Navy events?". Lol. We were pretty bummed about this realization, but you don't need a ballroom for a chance to slow dance. Your home is all the dance floor that you need :)

More pictures from the night...

I love him.

Photo courtesy of my husband 

Comparing their pocket watches :P

Look at those strapping young men!
Because her husband's photobomb was too
funny not to post!

Pictures by the photographer at the party...

LOL! She cracks me up :P

Love this girl!


We're all getting delirious!


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