
Chapter 19: 7 Ways I've Changed [PDA, faith, style, & more...]

They say that when you're in a relationship you start to change. It's inevitable. How can you not? Whether you change for better or for worse depends on who you're with & how they affect you. I think this is where the term "soulmates" comes in, because two people have to be the "perfect match" in order to bring out the best in each other the way no one else can. My husband & I have been married for almost 9 months now, but we'll have been together 6 years on July 1st. I've been thinking about all the different ways I've changed since we became a couple in 2007 & I've listed some of the major changes I've noticed in myself:

1. PDA: [public display of affection both through pictures, while out & about, around friends/family etc...] is something I'm very guilty of! I'm an even bigger romantic than I thought I was already! I've always been a hopeless romantic, but I used to think it was weird when people would post pictures of them kissing their significant other or when they couldn't take their hands off of each other... that all changed once my husband & I started dating. Don't get me wrong, we're not the type to have a tacky make-out session in public, but we're definitely very affection with each other & that hasn't change. We can't very well help it. We love kissing, holding hands, & wrapping our arms around each other. We just feel the need to touch each other & be connected with one another at all times. Our very affectionate nature can be explained by us both sharing a common "love language" [via The Five Love Languages By Gary Chapman] of Physical Touch. My husband's other love language is Quality Time while my other one is Words of Affirmation. More than half of the pictures in the picture collage below has been my profile picture on Facebook at one point & they can all be found on my Facebook. I know... that's A LOT of k.i.s.s.i.n.g!

2. Terms of Endearment: I used to think it was so strange [& a bit rude] when a guy would call his girl "babe" or "baby". I just always had that image in my mind of a sloppy guy with a big belly slouching in his chair & yelling, "Hey babe! Can ya make me a sandwich & get me a beer?" OR I'd think of the pig from the movie "Babe" =P However, ever since my husband & I have been together I LOVE when he uses these lovey dovey terms & I no longer think it's strange or rude at all! I say all this mushy stuff now too! A friend of mine once told me that her husband [who's on the same ship as my husband] came home one day & said to her, "Robert's all cute whenever he talks to his girl. Always doting on her & calling her sweetheart & stuff like that. Telling her how much he loves her..." :) Love it.

The day we were able to set our wedding date!

3. Spontaneity: I discovered my spontaneous side because of my husband! I was pretty much a "go by the book" type of person. I wasn't a rule breaker & I certainly wasn't a wild child. It was a BIG deal whenever I booked last minute flights with only 2-3 days notice to see my man!
In 2009 he was leaving earlier than planned for bootcamp & his parents were throwing him a goodbye party. I skipped an Astronomy class to fly out to be there for his party. I never missed class unless I was sick!
In 2010 we got news that he could deploy in the near future. He flew to our hometown for his sister's graduation & I didn't want to miss the opportunity to see him so I surprised him at the graduation during my finals week! SO not very responsible because I should've been studying my little fanny off, but we do crazy things when we're in love!
In 2012 I surprised him just weeks before our wedding because it had already been 4 months since we last saw each other & I thought it was important to have that time together. That trip was cool because it only costed me $10.40 cents roundtrip! No joke. If you want to know how I did it, ask & I shall answer!

4. Faith: I have grown a lot in my faith. I was born & raised Catholic, but I didn't start becoming even closer to God until my husband & I started dating. I suppose I felt so blessed to have found my soulmate so early in life & I thanked God for him every day. This gratitude to God started to emerge into more. I would always pray to God for guidance & to help us stay strong & make it through all the obstacles of a long distance relationship. I turned to him a lot, especially when my husband joined the military because it tested our relationship even more. We exchanged promise rings in 2009 when we attended the Navy Day Ball, but shortly after my husband proposed to me in 2011 I bought myself my very own promise ring [seen in the second picture]I followed a personal program through The Silver Ring Thing, which is centered around the idea that "True Love Waits". I gave the ring to my husband on our wedding day right before we exchanged vows & wedding rings. My husband & I don't share the exact same view about religion, but he has always been respectful, patient, & understanding of my beliefs—& for that I feel truly blessed to have him as my husband. He even bought me my very 1st personal woman's devotional Bible & I saw him pack our "couple" Bible [released by the author of The 5 Love Languages] in his bag when he left for an underway, which meant a lot to me. ——If you'd like to learn more about The Silver Ring Thing CLICK HERE.

Our promise rings we exchanged in 2009
I engraved his band to say, "Until We Say I Do..."

Photo credit [picture on left]: Onelove Photography
The Silver Ring Thing

5. Style: My style has changed immensely! I never really had a particular style in the past because I would like just about everything. I recall back in High School I really only had 2 dresses in my closet & now I have more dresses [especially lace dresses] than anything else! I have to force myself to stop buying dresses & start buying more tops. I still like my jeans & a t-shirt/tank top & baseball cap days, but those don't happen as often as they used to anymore. I'm more girly now when it comes to clothes & I believe this is because of our long distance relationship. Since we wouldn't see each other very much, I always wanted to look "extra pretty" & special for him. Usually when you "dress up" you wear a dress! I was never much of a shopper either, but I would buy a new dress almost every time we would see each other because I wanted to look my very best for my love.

6. Creativity: I've always loved doing arts & crafts & thinking of ways to be creative, but that all kicked into high gear when I started dating my husband. I would find creative ways to be romantic, like writing him little notes & hiding it in his wallet or car whenever we were visiting each other [reminder: we were in a long distance relationship for 5yrs before getting married]. I would find crafty ways to show him that I love him. I also started making military inspired jewelry when he was deployed to help pass the time, save up money for our wedding, & because it's nice making pretty things! He always encourages & supports that creative side in me. I love to create/make things & my husband helps push me to DO it instead of just THINK about it. I also put a lot of thought & detail into decorating his care packages when he was deployed in 2011.

7. Patriotism: I've always been proud to be an American & I've always supported those in uniform, but I'm even MORE patriotic now. Then again, how can I not be? My husband's a U.S. Sailor & I'm his PROUD NAVY WIFE!

Photo credit: Mika D. Photography
Hair & Make up: Amanda Travers—Ferociously Flawless Make Up Artistry

What are some ways that your significant other has changed you? :)
Hopefully they are changes for the better! If so, then take the time to kiss your significant other, tell them you love them, & thank them for making you a better person & helping you grow


  1. This was so cute, Darlene! I think you and Robert make a great couple! Mark and I are going on 2 years (and 1 baby!) this April and it's crazy to think how things have changed and how we've grown. Marriage is awesome.

    1. Thank you so much, Megan! I still need to hear you & your husband's love story! Whenever you're not too busy being supermom & super wife, please give me a call sometime! I'd love to catch up with you :) && agreed! Marriage is most DEFINITELY awesome ♥


Thank you for leaving me some love! :)